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Trusted Contacts: Recover your Facebook account with help from your friends

Recover your Facebook Account with a new feature called "Trusted Contacts" with help from your friends and find more about enabling this feature.

All Facebook users were more concerned about their Account Security and what if there is problem with Facebook account? We need to remember the answer of the security question or need to fill out long forms to prove that you are the real identity and some times they will show Friend's Photo and ask to identify. Well if you have faced any of the above issues, Here's an easy way to resolve this with "Trusted Contacts" Feature.

Trusted Contacts are nothing but close friends that you can call for help to get back into your account.

Google's Mail Service - Gmail has a feature where if a particular user lost or doesn't hold his/her mobile phone to receive the security code to log-in,  They can seek help from their close friend or relative by adding their Mobile phone numbers as a back-up option, thereby can recover one's account through the security code received through SMS or Call - Only if 2-step verification enabled.

More or less, It's of same concept and all you got to do is the Select at least three persons or contacts whom you trust most in Facebook and add them in "Trusted Contacts" - So that if you have any trouble accessing your Facebook account, They might help.

Steps to Enable Trusted Contacts Feature:
  • Check for Trusted Contacts in the page and Select "Choose Trusted Contacts"
  • Choose at least three contacts or maximum five contacts (whom you trust most) and confirm the same.

Refer the screenshot below:

Enable Trusted Contacts in Facebook
Enable Trusted Contacts Feature for Easy Account Recovery

How it works?

So if you have some problems logging to your Facebook account, you have this option - Trusted contacts and thereby can select this option and call your contacts to get the security code and instructions to help you.

Once you enter those security codes may be - three/four/five as this depends on how may contacts you have added to "Trusted Contacts" list - may be five in above case of screenshot, you can recover your Facebook account thereby making the process more secure and robust.

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