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India-No 1 spammer in Asia and 7th in World

India is the 7th largest spam sender in the world, according to Trend Micro Inc., a global leader in Internet content security. India is the leader among Asian countries in spam, accounting for more than 4 percent of the total global spam. It is ahead of other Asian countries such as China (3.39 percent), Republic of Korea (2.57 percent) and Thailand (2.04 percent). Asia contributes 16.57 percent of the global spam volume.

The rapid growth of broadband connections and the use of virus distribution by spam have created large collections of 'Zombie' machines on broadband networks sitting ready to serve the needs of the spammer. The amount of spam globally today has reached a whopping 66, 470, 097.

He further adds, "Most spam today is to advertize 'get-rich-quick' schemes and similar dubious products. Starting off being a small irritant that most enterprises used to ignore, spam has today has taken the shape of a huge calamity. Enterprises not having a policy to curb spam will eventually see their profitability and productivity being affected."

Trend Micro reports that the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia India and China) together account for around 20% of all spam. Experts at Trend Micro further indicate that spam from emerging markets will continue to grow till the proper Internet infrastructure is in place. The world's top 10 spam relaying countries account for about 57.4% of the global spam volumes.

spam rankings:

percent of worldwide countries spam
1. Russian Federation 11.92
2. United States 9.36
3. Brazil 7.48
4. Turkey 5.43
5. Columbia 5.34
6. Argentina 4.96
7. India 4.26
8. China 3.39
9. Spain 2.69
10. Rep. of Korea 2.57

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