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Internet-Ready Cars From Chrysler..

Internet-Ready Cars From Chrysler
Chrysler is all set to introduce a car cellular/WiFi hotspot device, which creates a cellular EVDO connection and converts it to WiFi, making the car a wireless hotspot with options to connect many devices securely.
Is your car Internet-enabled? How good is the network inside? These are the sort of questions you would be asking, if you were to buy a Chrysler next summer. So what's cooking here?

Twice reports that Chrysler is all set to introduce a car cellular/WiFi hotspot device in 2009 with Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge vehicles and some other models. The cars can be ordered with the device or customers can choose to fit them later at the dealers'. The device is fitted in the trunk and offers download speeds ranging from 400 to 800 kbps.

The device, called Uconnect Web, costs $499. It creates a cellular EVDO connection, which is converted into WiFi, making the car a wireless hotspot with options to connect many devices securely. Chrysler may have started a trend, with others set to follow suit soon. Initial reports suggest that BMW is working on a similar system, which could hit the streets in the near future.

Apart from the cost of the kit, there is a 35$ to 50$ installation fee, a $35 activation fee and finally, a monthly subscription fee of $29

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